Action: The ambition of this project is to develop technologies (nets) to collect water from fog, to improve living conditions and to promote sustainability and development of rural local communities.
Category "Ecosystems and natural resources"
Key figures of the previous competition:
Action: The ambition of this project is to develop technologies (nets) to collect water from fog, to improve living conditions and to promote sustainability and development of rural local communities.
Category "Ecosystems and natural resources"
Action: The Municipality of Ramallah launched the “Green Ramallah Project” which general objective is to bring the city towards sustainable urban development (renewable energy development, waste management and sanitation and urban planning).
Category "Developments, infrastructure and buildings"
Action: This initiative involves carrying out Water and Soil Conservation (WSC) in order to preserve the agricultural heritage and improve the income of inhabitants (conserve rainwater by creating a succession of earthen dykes, rainwater cisterns etc.).
Category "Ecosystems and natural resources"
Action: This initiative therefore focuses on building the capacities of local stakeholders and improving the consistency of policies for adapting to climate change (provide training for local stakeholders, creation of a stakeholder network for local adaptation, support to deployment of Municipal Adaptation Strategies (MAS)).
Category "Methods for designing and implementing public policies"
The ceremony Awards took place at the French pavilion COP22. Ségolène Royal, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs – COP 21 Presidency and Nizar Baraka, President of COP22 Scientist Committee rewarded the 4 most outstanding exemplary adaptation actions of The “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” organised by ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency), with support from its Mediterranean partners (the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM), the Mediterranean association of national energy agencies (MEDENER), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC), and Plan Bleu). For more information